The book business is more complicated than my beginner’s
enthusiasm permitted me to imagine in 2014. Enthusiasm, that bane of the 18th century (“What
can we reason, but from what we know?”) does indeed invite flights of
reckless optimism. If there are boulders in the road and a learning curve that
would dizzy a gymkhana contestant, well, “Love will find a way,” my inner Eubie
Blake retorted to my entrenched Alexander Pope.
However arduous or silly the process of learning by doing
continues to be for me, one big thing has been indisputable from the start: Everyone
in publishing wants a best seller. Certainly the author does: Fame and
fortune should reward the years of dedication and craft sparked by fire in the
belly. The printer is eager to keep the presses rolling. The distributor’s
bottom line is to move as much merchandise as possible to bookstores and
retailers who are eager to sell, sell, sell!
And the publisher obviously wants to turn out best sellers, right?
If an Upper Hand Press title sells millions, the income will secure an
immediate future in which I can expand my press and its reputation. Even one
best seller will boost sales of all the books on our list; it will attract the
attention of authors who may not have previously considered publishing here.
A best seller for one of my authors could
reassure all my authors that I’m working overtime to support
their efforts. Best sellers reflect not only the literary skills, but the
nigh-full-time commitment to promotion by the authors themselves. But it requires
successful, well-focused and well-funded marketing on the publisher’s part.
Reaching influential reviewers and publicity-generators; making best use of
industry-only sources; keeping up with the industry through conferences,
newsletters, new products; selling to libraries and book clubs—these are
the unpaid tip of the marketing iceberg, the part I can presently
afford, even if I am deficient in time to execute.
Upper Hand Press is self-funded by this
publisher-staff-of-one. Marketing budget comes after production budget,
which leaves little to spend. (For the authors, marketing costs to supplement
what the Press provides are as great as they feel they can invest.)
For established large publishing house with well-funded, dedicated
advertising budgets, the possibility for creating a best
seller is substantial, sometimes from even modest literary material. Add
full-page ads in prominent media, signs and promotional items, pop-up ads on
Internet sites, access to appearances on major media, and long-standing
relationships with taste-makers, and one is on the way.
So it is that best-selling books are unlikely to have the imprints
of small, independent presses. The promotion budget comes after the costs of
book production are met. For me, promotion is the pursuit of reviews from
low-cost and free opportunities, entering relevant competitions, and creating
connections for individual titles and for the Press. What’s left to budget for paid
advertising is not much once the designers, typesetters, printers, and
distributors are paid. Persuasive prose is our most useful marketing tool.
The question remains, though, whether making best sellers is the
ultimate goal? About this I write for myself alone in answering that it is not.
I would be overjoyed were an Upper Hand title to become a best-seller, but I
don’t believe that by selling millions I’d feel that the mission of my press or
that my personal mission was necessarily accomplished.
As an editor I look for material that invites the reader to engage
deeply with the writer—I am a matchmaker between writers I believe in and the
readers they long for and deserve. I choose the authors to publish, the ones I
believe will endure by virtue of their literary skill and significant
themes. While I understand readers’ love of stories about romance,
adventure, speculative pasts or futures, my love is in invitations to stretch
the mind and explore our humanity, whatever form those come in. I just look for
books that don’t end with the last page.
Read the reviews: Excellent, unique, convincing books are
published all the time by publishers large and small. They win awards from
learned bodies with acute judges, and they receive the highest praise from the
most thoughtful reviewers. What their sales are, though, one can only guess.
The reviews help, no doubt, but reviews alone don’t make best sellers. Big
budgets are the bedrock. It’s likely that you’ll get sales commensurate to what
you pay. But the world is ennobled, enlightened, and advanced by all the
authors that small, independent presses bring to us in small editions, whatever
their business models.
Developing readership is an uphill task for a small, independent
press in a world of readers and writers that loves best sellers. Upper Hand books are currently
finding readers our authors are writing for, but there are many more we want to
reach. I know we will find them with constant and steady--and someday
expensive--promotion. But the dream of the best seller is a dream of winning
the lottery; a dream of winning something for no more effort than a wish, and we all
know that things don’t work that way without laboring masses and pots of money behind the
curtain we'd like to pretend isn't there.